Wednesday, February 08, 2006

is this a bad sign?

I have just lost two things.

Firstly, (I know this sounds really lame) but my brother's school trousers in Perth! Thinking of being a good sister, I washed, ironed and am pretty sure hung the trousers on one of the hangers with his school shirt on it. It is absolutely bizarre, but it's not there! And it's really expensive you see.. sigh..

And then even more sighs, last night at Nerovivo, suddenly I realised that one of my gold hoop earings was missing! More than the embarrassment of possibly stepping into the restaurant with only one earing, I was so upset as they were my favourite. And they're real gold! I knew I only deserved those fake ones - knowing how careless I can be sometimes. Traced back our steps and still couldn't find it...

Anyway, I guess it's silly to be so upset and stressed about these things when many others are losing more important things in life which perhaps can't even be replaced. What's making me worry though, is just that it feels like a bad sign. Well, touch wood. I really don't want to lose anything anymore at the moment!


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